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<h2>Reusing Components</h2>
Creating a web application using apollo requires you to create a Tree structure of programmed components.  You can think of this tree structure as something simular to the directory structure you see in windows explorer.  One such advantage of creating components in this fashion, is that just like in windows explorer, you can move a branch to a new location.<br>
In this example, we have grafted an entire web application, MysqlAdmin, into this Apollo Demo.  This was a fairly trivial task, we simply connected MysqlAdmin's MainMenu onto the ApolloDemo tree.  The MainMenu node had children, the "Create table" menu, the "Drop Table Menu", and so on.  The entire tree under MainMenu is now accessible to the Apollo Demo web application.<br>
MysqlAdmin was not originally written to be embedded into another web application.  It was originally written as a standalone application.  For security reasons we were required to write a new login page for MysqlAdmin, and not use the one used when MysqlAdmin is runnning as a standalone application.  This had to be done because the standalone application was written under the assumption security was not a concern.  The new login page supplied in this demo prohibits connecting to certain servers which would have caused a security concern because this is a public demo.<br>
You may try out MysqlAdmin.  Unfortunately it requires fairly thorough understanding of how databases work, it was not written as a demo application, but a real tool.  If you are unfamilure with relational databases using the application may not wish to use the application.<br>
Note to users: This tool is fully functional, and can connect to any MySQL server on the internet.  It should be noted, that a Java JDBC driver is being used to connect to MySQL servers, and it is highly likely the password you enter is transmitted in plaintext to your MySQL server.<br>
<form action="$$.ServletPath.">
$$./ResumeMysql.<input type=submit name="Resume" value="Resume MysqlAdmin Session">$$.ResumeMysql/.<input type=submit name="Login" value="Login to MysqlAdmin">