Support is primarily done through mailing lists and through the Project Apollo community.  If you have a question, that's probably the place to go.  Formal documentation is in the works.  Until then if you can't answer your own question by examining the demo site source code, and the examples, join the mailing list!

Mailing lists:

    If there is sufficient traffic for Storable-only related subject matter, Storable may be moved to it's own mailing list.  For now it's coupled with the main apollo mailing list.  All lists run off the list server.

projectapollo-announce Low bandwidth list, announces updates to apollo code
projectapollo-general General discussion about Apollo.  Such as bug reports and help requests. 
projectapollo-developer Discussion about the development of Project Apollo itself

Demo Site

    There is a demo web application built using apollo to help show how to use the Project Apollo framework.  An excellent way to start learning apollo is by examining the site, and examining the source code.

Component Descriptions

    The features page has detailed explainations of the major components in Project Apollo.  Most also include examples of how to use it; this serves as the primary documentation for the time being.